Colleen Quint
Colleen Quint has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Alfond Scholarship Foundation (Alfond) since 2014, bringing over 20 years of experience working in education. At Alfond, Ms. Quint is responsible for the strategy and operations of a program that invests $500 scholarships for college on behalf of more than 12,000 Maine children every year.
Ms. Quint began her career as an education law consultant, working for foundations specializing in scholarship programs and investment, education access and economic development. Ms. Quint was also the Founding Executive Director of the Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute, where she established a clear focus on student success through scholarships, personal support and career exploration. She also relied on research and advocacy to advance the Institute’s larger public policy mission of educational attainment and economic growth.
Ms. Quint is a graduate of Bates College and the University of Maine Law Schools. She is a resident of Minot, Maine where she is a member of the town’s budget committee and a former member of its school committee.
For the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Ms. Quint serves as Chair of the Organizational Measurement Committee and is also a member of the Grants, Policy & Programs and Organizational Measurement committees.